Tuesday, December 15, 2009

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Living With My Aging Parents

When watching the talk shows to discuss the issue of aging parents, it is usually on hospital costs, doctor's appointments and juggling personal time that your parents can no longer fly, on parent-child role reversal. The one issue I hear about is never addressed in daily life, with aging parents and juggling all the different personalities in the country. Older people have very strong, self-willed mind of her own, but at least my parents.

For example, my husbandand I have a special sense of decoration, which we prefer. Micro fleece dark green sofas, large professor, such as chairs, a beautiful cherry wood dining table, and old paintings of the Renaissance, all very antique-like style.

Mom has a different taste altogether, and no father. Mom's attitude, depression, inspired, of course, is to use and reuse everything. She refuses to take towels, no matter how tenuous. She loves washcloths, even if they start in their own cornerthe shower, full of the funky smell of mildew. It is only with Dial soap, no one else. You only have a shower once a week (whether it is necessary or not) and dad uses his pocket knife to cut everything out of his nose hair, flower cuttings, and homemade bread I just baked. I always make sure the bread before I eat out, so Dad's ptomaine knife in the disk first blow, the contact with anything edible.

I realize my parents to communicate, I find myselfbite my tongue when Mama Papa is waiting for the hands and feet. He sits on his big caboose watched his Fox News Channel show, is doing his puzzles, read the newspaper, and pontificating on everything wrong (in the world if they would do it his way!). She has spoiled him, and she knows it. Now that they are retired, Mom tells me she wants she had not done anything for him. She complained to me about his impotence (eeewww!) Transfer much more information than I could ever want or need to know.To his luck, on the one hand, when he knocked out on a political role, she tells him to keep his face fluttering quietly. But on the other hand, this is usually so in front of our eight year old daughter. Boy, they need therapy one day ... If I do, I think, now.

I came home one day and discovered my mother had laid a floral pattern tablecloth on the table, along with contrasting orange stripes and brown placemats. At first I thought she was joking around, until I saw thechildlike joy in his eyes. She was so proud of their purchase of the JC Penny trendy Urban Collection. (Come to find out later that it was not the amount they wanted to ... She had chosen the wrong letter next to the picture in the catalog because they do not believe in prescription frames and I was too embarrassed to answer the call Penny's Call Center and you send it. "Besides," she said, "I have trouble understanding, she on the phone. I think they have a lot of Indians andPakistanis living in Chicago. ") I did not know how I was able to in the dining room every day and my beautiful cherry-wood table covered with a dress to go see Ugly Betty's.

My parents came to live with us about nine years ago. At the time, all of their grandchildren, young adults, and during their working years they are not as much time as would have liked to enjoy the ten grandchildren. After they retired, they were thrilled to learn that I was expecting a little bitSurprise. We invite you to come and live with us, and they did. Little Alex arrived, and my parents are mad at them for eight years.

Mom and Dad owned a flower shop and nursery for more than quarter of a century, and were disappointed that none of us children, or a grandson, a little care about the business. We all had our own dreams and goals, and other than hope for a small financial success on the road, none of our dreams of participating in something green. And thenAlex was born with a big green thumb, and soon her grandpa was the best bud, and she, his. When gardening, grandpa would also teach us some choice words that we speak rather not.

Grandma gives Alex all their empty bottles of perfume, is not entirely empty, just enough to spray on the rest of her stuffed animals. Alex's room smells like a space that, like we say, best suited for its red velvet curtains, purple and pink silk sheets, pillows Sultan. When Alex asks Grandpa, ifher plants are dead in her room, he waddles, and throws a glance. "They're good," he explains. "Pull out of it." So she continues to keep all the fifteen dead plants in her window seat, because Grandpa knows best.

My parents both have hearts of gold and would do anything for us, here is a perfect example. My husband and I enjoy taking care financially for my parents so that they can use their money for themselves. Once, when we were on a bank card magnetic strips, which are no longerWork, we have determined that we need to go to the bank and replace them. Papa is hard of hearing and thought we were, with money worries. He opened his wallet (I have never seen that many moths fly out from one place!) And creaked as the column leather wallet, he gave us five dollar bill. What a guy! (For fairness sake, he thinks, a liter of milk and two loaves of bread can be had for a dollar, and that two U.S. dollars a JD Rockefeller-sized tip on a $ 30 restaurant tab.)

Mother insists onproviding all meals. It is actually angry with me if I even try to wash a dish. My mother recently had cataract surgery and said she can see quite well, thank you very much, but when she washes and dries the dishes, you can read Braille, the stuck-on food she missed by mistake. She does not know that late at night after they went to bed, I wash the dishes again.

My parents have got slower, more relaxed, and even bought a brand new car, something they have neverDone together throughout their fifty nine years, although none of them drives. My husband and I had to hide his laughter when they wanted a new black car ... with spinning chrome hubcaps. My mother insisted. She did not know that it shows for young people and car, were determined. For her, she hit the high society, and "they are simply beautiful."

My siblings call from time to time to ask how everything goes. But they do not really know the truth. You wantto live their lives and talk with Mom and Dad, but do not want to hear about the doctor appointments and such. You know that I will be me for mom and dad. And it makes me not at all. My parents took care of me all my life and I'm sure I had a few quirks and still do not, but she loved me and supported me, who I was, and I'll do the same. I would not live anywhere.

I remember as a child watching The Lawrence Welk show with them every week. I still hearPolka music from her room. Actually, I can still hear.

Polka music is blaring from her bedroom. It is much too loud, but in contrast to our teenagers, their music to sound (I use the term loosely) on the grounds of the rebellion, in which case it does not hear because my father is good. I open the door to their greenhouse gas hot bedroom and my daughter to jump to Begin the Beguine on Grandma and Grandpa in bed when she an old Lawrence Welk re-watch them. Dad sits in his rocking chair,Dance with only his feet, gasping as Mom dances right along with only their arms and cute little fingers. "Mom, look, on television," said Alex shouts with as much joy as seventh-graders, the just caught a glimpse of Justin Timberlake. "It's a sissy-and-a Bobby! You are a dancer!"

I grab my father with his small, fragile arms and pull him towards me. "Shall We Dance?" He smiles and says: "I was hoping you'd ask me to open up Baby Girl. My dance card!" We also do a bit of turn andlaugh. And at that moment, nothing else matters. Not the cloth, not the crusty dishes that smells funny or amusing opinions. Nothing is, except that I'm dancing with the first man in this world, I was never, as his faithful and loving wife looks on, and while the little girl who currently stopped jumping on the big bed, and who will carry on his memory, making a remembrance of her own. This is what life is like life with my parents.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Get the Best Gas Mileage - Convert Your Car To Run On Water

Have you ever thought that gas prices are too high?

Have you ever dreamed of a magic formula that could help you to increase your gas mileage?

There is a way to get better gas mileage - perhaps it is not "magic", but it is a tried and tested way to do it. You can Convert your car to run on water, save some money and save the planet.

Scientists proved that our cars are not optimized engines to fuel consumption, as they should be. Only 20% of the gas from the engine actually uses theremaining 80% will cease to be wasted and pollution as unburned gas.

Imagine paying 5 times less per liter of gasoline! This would be possible if the 100% would burn gas. Nothing is certain for 100% and there is not no way to burn 100 percent of the gas. On the other hand, it is possible for the fuel consumption significantly, by increasing a few simple minor changes to your engine.

Turn your car run on water is a new system, the tap water to help you to increase theFuel consumption of your car, regardless of whether it is a compact 3-cylinder or a big 6, 8 or even 10-cylinder monster.

Recently featured on Fox News, all this new system allows you to use water as fuel.

A simple conversion can be done by you at your home, and almost without cost. The fuel consumption could increase up to 75%!

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Bennett tells FOX News the Senate Health Care Bill is beyond fixing

Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) told FOX News on Sunday that the Senate health care bill far too many mistakes that it will not be corrected simply contains. Bennett says Congress needs to focus on policy and not politics in an attempt to sixth in the U.S. economy reform.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Policy and rhetoric - a strategy for negating criticism

I am fascinated by the struggle between the Fox News Channel and the Obama administration. But this article is not about politics, about the right or wrong, or even about how each side is the interpretation of the actions of others. I will leave political analysis to political experts. I am an expert in communication, so this article is about communication strategies.

Presidential adviser David Axelrod caught my attention Sunday when he said that Fox News should be treatedas a news organization. With this statement, he attacked the credibility of Fox with the Obama administration to criticize, and that makes me stop and think right. His words reminded me of a familiar rhetorical strategy: counter criticism with condescension. Where was I ever seen?

As communication specialists, especially in the area of written communication, I have to write a library for books. The answer, I knew it would, and it was. The writing guidelines bang! Writing with Impact Statesto emphasize this: "attack the credibility of your critics, the superiority of your ideas."

The three key words here are "attack", "credibility" and "critics". With this strategy, you claim that their critics do not have a valid source of information, so their ideas are not worth considering. This is, in fact, what David Axelrod said on Fox. According to Axelrod, Fox News is a news organization, so it does not make any criticism worth considering.

ThisStrategy has two effects. The most obvious consequence is that they can negate the effects of criticism. If I will be able to damage the credibility of my critics, then others probably think less of what they say about me. I Reduce the impact on my critics, by people who believe that my critics say do not know what they are. Bang! Writing with Impact has a good example.

The press corps is to say, we do not know how to handle corporate finance fond. They went into journalismSchool. We have advanced degrees in financial management. You are not in a position to tell us how companies deal with finances.

The second effect is more subtle, but perhaps more. This strategy allows the person who criticizes the question of whether avoiding the critics right. When I apply this strategy, I change the topic from the original issue price of my actions () to) a new (your credibility.

Suppose you are the critic, and I am the person you criticize.If I use this strategy is that the argument is no longer on the accuracy of your criticism. It is no longer a question for which you criticize me. The argument now is whether or can not be believed.

If I am successful with this strategy, and change the subject, I no longer have to defend my actions. Instead, you now have to defend your credibility. By using this strategy, I have slipped past your criticism and put on the defense.

Attack on the credibilityTheir critics is a powerful communication strategy for counterattack. However, as so many rhetorical strategies, their strength is also its weakness. When seen what it is a rhetorical strategy to avoid or negate further criticism, it is easy to use against the person himself. Here is a simple example shows how to:
Critic: You have done something wrong.

Person criticized: You do not have the credibility to criticize me.

Critic: You try to avoid this problem byAttack on my credibility. We can discuss that at a later date. In the meantime, please discuss this issue and respond to the accusation that you are doing something wrong.

See what the critics at the end? The critic pointed out that the person is deliberately trying to avoid the problem. He revealed the strategy. The listener or reader will wonder why the person wanted to avoid criticism. Perhaps the critics are right, they think. The person who criticizes seems absurd thatthe moral authority of the critics and improve added value to its criticism.

If not, the critics can respond to the question of credibility, he can also keep it light, while critical of the person on the topic. For example, the critic might reply follows: "This is not a question of credibility, but my question here, what you have done. If you think that my accusation is wrong, tell me why." This approach is weaker than the previous one, since it allows the listeners / readers the opportunity toWhen in doubt, for the critic.

The last point that Bang makes writing with impact on this rhetorical strategy is good. "It could help you win an argument, but it will not win any friends. This strategy, however, also raises ethical considerations, so use it cautiously, if at all."

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Friday, December 4, 2009

Andrew Napolitano at FFF Conference, Part 4 of 4

Andrew Napolitano, Fox News' Senior Judicial Analyst, gives a speech entitled "Civil Liberties in the War" at "The Future Freedom Foundation's restoration of the Republic: Foreign Policy and Civil Liberties" conference, 3 June 2007 at the Hyatt Regency Reston in Reston, Virginia. ... Andrew Napolitano Future Freedom Foundation fox news judge libertarian Ron Paul

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gold and Rate Cuts - What Goes Around Comes Around

The rock-and-the-hard-place issue is resolved ... the Fed needs to cut prices and, if possible, it looks even more interesting for gold. In the last four years, the precious metal massive prospered under higher interest rates-to the surprise of many an analyst. But now that prices are heading south, what's in store for gold and the dollar?

And could an amazing sequence with an interest rate boomerang?

Why the Fed Caved

To be fair, theFed in a real place. No question. Raise prices and you can temporarily catch the free-falling dollar ... But slide the housing right off the cliff. Lower prices and help you to a number of banks and people who do not would probably have something to do with mortgages in the first place ... but you wave bye-bye to the dollar had. Perception is always greater than the reality, but it is understandable, and the American people the perception that the maintenance of their home is much morecritical issue as the solution of some complicated dollar problem. This should not come as any great surprise. The major shaper of American perceptions, the media has not told the public about the dangers of the collapsing dollar.

The worst-case scenario has in fact painted by the media - and continue to paint - is that a wimpy U.S. dollars simply means travel abroad will now be much more expensive. Big deal. Stack that against homeowners lose their homes, and the whole thing is a U.S.not in any case. "So the Fed gave himself up to public pressure.

But definitely, the impact of the collapsing of dollars are far greater concern than a higher hotel bill in Paris. And ironically, the consequences could be a further steep rise in interest rates to start.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Right Back Higher Rates

It is as if we are all suddenly stuck in the whacky world of Oz. Follow this disquieting argument (as shown analyst MartinWeiss, editor of Money and Markets):

One / When the Fed made its dramatic cut in interest rates, it signals the world that (the dollar was miserable enough, wanted) already near record lows not supported by the U.S. in the foreseeable future will be. So the trickle of the dollar has been sold more quickly, such as dumping dollars ... and if dollars are dumped landfill, so are U.S. bonds.

Two / Sure enough government bonds fell by more than two points in the days after the rate cut, the worstDecline since September 2003. Since bond yields just as fast in the opposite direction, they have here is booming recently. But of course, the great difficulties, that ...

Three / ... long-term mortgage rates followed long-term Treasury yields! Yikes. That is, if the dumping persists dollars, it will likely increase in prime mortgage interest rates in the board of sub-prime.

"According to textbook theory," Weiss said: "This was not actually happen! But it ishappens. Why are Treasury yields rise (and their prices fall sharply), even while the Fed is cutting interest rates? Quite simply: It is mainly because the key factor we are hammering away day after day, week after week, the U.S. Dollar. "

The big question is, will the dumping dollars on? Ominously enough, was the demand for U.S. bonds below a whopping 80% in just one months. Where it goes from here is something that we all have to wait and see. But if it does continue, interest ratescould, in fact ... and boomerang boomerang with a vengeance. But in the end it is not too much difference to gold.

Lower interest rates? Higher interest rates?

Gold is likely to north Either Way

Unlike paper investments, is the fate of precious metals no longer be permanently bound with interest, and if they are traveling.

Today it is more a question of trust.

Foreign nations are dumping dollars, because, as the irresponsibleTeenagers with his first credit card is the U.S. shelves a terrible guilt. We are a disgrace to the largest debtor nation in the world. And because the currency is the biggest debtor nation in the world also happens to be the world's reserve currency, the world is rapidly losing confidence.

Finally, the world holds more than 7 trillion U.S. dollars right now. And every time the dollar set a record low against the euro and other currencies, what happens now with disturbing frequencylately, the value of 7 trillion U.S. dollars, which is eroded.

That is why people are hedging their dollar with gold ... and why you should do the same. Julian Phillips, goldforecaster.com wrote: "Gold has broken out of all restrictions and is now a whole new game after Fed Chairman Ben Benanke let the interest rates charged to the value of the dollar internationally. National interests will always override any of those international share. Only confidence in the U.S. economy, the banks and theSpending power of consumers, the confidence in the dollar gold price and turn restore. Will this happen? "

Gold is your insurance if it does not. "

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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Potato Heads unnetted Are You? Time for your ears, eyes and mouth Get Plugged In

Are you a Potato Head, still waiting for you ears, eyes and mouth? Are you "unnetted?" They have no voice in the process of Glboalization and Free Trade in the flat world? Tune into ABC, CNN, MSNBC and FOX and they are in your eyes, ears and mouth for your plug. Liberals turn to the left and sing all the politically correct nonsense sentences they give you. Conservatives turn right and follow the man who says Jesus is his favorite philosopher, as he charges up a hill in bloodyPre-emptive wars from his safe place in Washington DC.

Everyone should read The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman of The New York Times. It is really about President Clinton and President Bush go hand in hand down the global economic road together.

Stay away from The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins book, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now Org and Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker. They will only confuse you. Do not read the many books on globalizationby Manuel Castells and The Trap by Sir James Goldsmith.

It may be time to curse the darkness, and not just light a small light. Token charitable purposes, where only one of thousands helping to conceal themselves deep economic wounds. The Free Enterprise System is to facilitate, for all to be good. Evidently, his mission has failed. We live off the suffering of the wage slaves of the world.

As the saying goes in the old movie Cool Hand Luke - what do we because it is the failure tocommunicate well connected in our global world, with instant text messages and all. It seems we talk, and more than ever, but it lacks anything to write about. Could it be the pursuit of perfection has been flushed down the toilet? Do we have called into question, because we say, perfection is just a word in the dictionary with a definition that can not be applied to humans. But the word is there, and it concerns us, how we live and breathe the boundaries of the institutions that are crumbling with every tick of the clock. AllWe all want to meet at a place to feel at the same time to find, but they may lose only rare moments in time, as we in the eternity.

In the workplace, we are told it is a good thing to try, our ultimate goal, what is right and what is wrong game, but we also said we must be realistic as we would in the real world. Pragmatism is the rule. Utility is their tool. In the Globalist Free Traders World, returns to the Bible, the phrase itself. He says to do, others fromthey do it for you. We see economic power politics marry perfecting greed. The homeless lay on downtown streets and are ignored. The sun beats down on them in the summer and the cold winds of winter, freeze them, but it does not matter, for their souls are burned or frozen already a society that flits by too busy with the real world of things. Quote the statistics they give you say, do not exist even the homeless and the underclass in our good economy. However,Things like Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans is a silent depression, residing in our country. Many say it is their fault, they ended up the way they did.

It is not just the workers on pay or without pay, suffer. Reported that 47 percent of all small businesses have maxed out their credit cards to people to keep their business afloat. They fall into a trap of usury interest rates above 18 percent and up to 34 percent as all those who use their credit lines back to theirof jobs lost, etc., there is no return after this happened.

They would have put ABC, NBC, CNN and Fox News. Finally, there are good men and Cavuto on Fox, which shows us things like the stock market is the soul of a good society, where everyone can turn paper into profits by doing the least among us, the "dirty" work. People like Thomas Friedman of The New York Times writes a book with the title of the flat world and speaks at Harvard. People like the president of the JesuitUniversity say amen and more workers are tied discarded in the world with the key. Bishops in Central and South America are martyrs because they speak and act for the underclass. One of the first saints canonized by Pope Benedict, Father Alberto Hurtado who spoke and acted for the underclass in the 1940s and 1950s. Today's populism is quickly coming upon us from South America.

People like John Perkins will not go forward, and write a different kind of book called The Confessionsof an Economic Hit Man, that really care about all the bad things going on in the global economic field and says, but he is from the major media channels silenced. The academic community ignores him.

President Bush says there are jobs in the U.S. that the Americans will not do. This happened after the United States more than 4,000 factories in Mexico. It is clear there are jobs in Mexico that Mexican workers will not take. Many of these companies are now moving to China, where there are willing to workfor less money. It is an endless stream of movement, because millions are competing for the same jobs. Free trade is about the shift of production from location on the cheapest labor markets of the world in space. The main raw materials are the people to set a world trading block to compete with each other to the level of wage slave and even child labor.

The facts of life include the following:

In 1774, 1 percent owned 15 percent of the assets. Until 1973, 1 percent owned 32.6 percentof wealth and until 1989 owned by 1 percent 40 percent of the assets. What is it today? (Looking for Silent Depression Economic Inequality for more details)

At the age of 65 years: 45 percent of dependent relatives. 30 percent are dependent on charity. 23 percent work more and only 2 percent are self-sustaining. A notice in our church bulletin reads - Success is the Social Security age to reach, without bankruptcy. We now know that approximately 38 percent, over the age of 45 filesBankruptcy of 1992 to 2002.

85 percent over 65 years not even $ 250.00

About 28 percent of all workers making less than $ 7.90 per hour

The lowest 20 percent bracket to pay state and local taxes on about twice as fast as the top 1 percent. 70 percent of all workers pay more in payroll taxes than income tax. A person who is only about 10,000 U.S. dollars a year pays about 12 percent of the total gross income in payroll, state and local taxes. That is more than one$ 1000 per year to just U.S. $ 10,000 in income.

About 70% of all workers earning less money in real dollars than comparable workers 20 years ago.

The poor will get poorer and the middle class is fading.

For more information see whether this would be a good economy, I hate to see a bad one at Tapsearch Com Tapart news. The facts were updated in 1998 and most of the data remains even today.

There was a time in Rome, where it was better to free a slave as a Man.The slaves had a roof over their heads and were allowed to marry, to raise more slaves. The Free-Man had to hide and only very few options make a living. The story seems to repeat itself now with a working poor class is growing in the U.S. and poor and wage-slave class is growing outside the U.S.. The World Bank and other lenders to cover victims of usurious interest rates.

A statistical prosperity be explained, although 39 percent of all over 45Bankruptcy has declared between 1992 and 2002. Finally, only about 38 percent of all workers in the United States to qualify for unemployment insurance, which is to point out is a large pool of workers missing in action from any kind of real reporting. It also demonstrates has produced the unemployment rate and it can certainly not be compared with an unemployment rate reported in the past.

Who says we have to compete as a global economic area?

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Relationship Advice - How to Deal with the challenge of the woman earns more money than the husband

A recent feature on Fox News told us about the growing tendency of young newly married couples to be for the woman to make more money than the husband.

My first thought was: "And how is this a problem, and for whom?"

Obviously it is a big problem for some.

Wisdom from Darren Stevens

Are you familiar with the old '60s TV sitcom Bewitched "with Elizabeth Montgomery? It is becoming now and then was on Nick at Nite and one fromFilm a few years ago.

If you are not familiar with the plot, here it is - Darren and Samantha Stevens are a typical 1960s couple, with Darren as the bread-winning architect husband and Samantha, the beautiful housewife. The only wrinkle is that Samantha seized this unique capability has wiggle her nose and make anything happen and / or appear out of thin air and Darren tried to her to stop bringing their skills and "normal."

Do you have the last line? Here is a man, a woman hasthat everything they always wanted, and he tried to stop her might!

Do not be a Darren Stevens!

Even as a little kid in the 60s I thought Darren Stevens was a complete idiot!

So my suggestion on how the situation when the woman makes more money than the man is easy to deal with it --

celebrate and enjoy it!

If you are a man and are caused by the fact that your wife makes more money than you overcome intimidated about it! Get your ownEgo out of the way and celebrate the gifts for your wife and your wife the gift.

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Negotiating With Style

We all know the golden rule ... Do Unto Others as you would to have you. Dr. Tony Alessandra in his new book, The Platinum Articles (1996 Warner Books), says there is a better way ... Do Unto Others, because they want to do. "

As is the case for negotiation? Quite simply, we negotiate with people or groups of people. Since the personality styles of our partners may be different, so we vary our approaches to different people. We will review the information in beautiful Dr.Alessandra ¹ s book and then some decisions about our special approach with particular personalities.

Different people observe, interpret information and act differently.

Here is a brief summary of the four styles, the Dr. Alessandra discusses in his book:

Directors' football coach, drill sergeant, dictators. Directors are aligned challenge take-charge decision-makers. Performance and success are defined to overcome obstacles and realizing benefits.Socializer - are "people" people. PR, sales people, actors and speakers. Appreciation and recognition are, looking for what the socializer. Time in which gossip is a good investment. Relates <friendly and reliable. Relates are team players, the extreme patience in difficult times and get the work over the long term. Thinkers' Serious, analytical people with long term objectives. Think about decisions before they have all the information and analysis to ensure a proper, well thought-outDecision. As each style tends to use and how it is with every critical to the overall success in our negotiations to negotiate. Directors to take such measures ... To accept challenges ... to achieve and reach ... fear, "soft". The best way to deal with a director, is to offer him or her a choice of several possible alternatives, and a deadline. Let them choose. They feel "in charge" and if you are in the design of such options, you will receive careful what youwant.

The Socializer wants to "shoot the Wind" ... Have fun ... make a good impression ... Speaking to articulate with a style. They fear did not like. They want you to be their friend ... they ask about yourself ... appreciate her wit. If they like you, and how they believe they are doing business with you and make you a lot.

Relates to peace and stability ... They want a stable work environment ... You may sit or stay in one place. You wantPredictability and reliability in every important transaction. They do not like surprises, changes or modifications without prior notice. To negotiate successfully with the narration, we must emphasize our reliability and the predictable, reliable way of business. Following the step by step, in a predictable reliable results of the best works here.

Thinkers are oriented facts and are proud to be conscientious. They want to know how things work and want to analyze time andOrganize tasks. Their work is of high quality, even if they sometimes take longer than we like to wear it for them. They can be over critical and sometimes insensitive felt. Their biggest fear is that one wrong. They would rather not make a decision than to make a bad or wrong (irrational) decision.

Negotiation is a person to person process.

Have fun next time you negotiate carefully drawn by observing the personality style signals from your colleagues.

Beingcan be sensitive to personality orientation really increase our successes, reducing friction and lead us to a better agreement.

Try it out ... They are negotiating with style!


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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Make your ordinary car into a hybrid one - Convert Your Car To Run On Water

The hybrid car, which is seen by many as a savior in the situation of the oil crisis, when a let down because the price tags were not favorable for everyone, and therefore one can not expect was to see the hottest trends as needed. But with the FOX News report on an American turning water into fuel, the confidence is back and we are always maximized fuel efficiency.

Water is the cheapest fuel and is already over. If the electrolysis is the water from the BrownsGas (HHO gas), a good source of hydrogen and can be used as fuel. Are you aware of the fact that the poorly designed car engines of today, only 20% use the fuel that we feed them? Yup, the remaining 80% is burned without being wasted in the form of heat and vibration. If you go 1000 miles per month should be with your 25MPG car, then you are losing more than $ 100 a month. Imagine the travelers who have to travel some 3000 miles or more per month. Fact is wasted as thousands per year is notnot easy to digest, right?

The government seems to have no answer for this situation, but our compatriot has come with a great idea of using water as fuel. The hydrogen-on-demand system, which he invented, you can increase your car on water and fuel economy run, to convert an exceptional level. Run car on water and you can come to the difference that it makes to know. The kit is easy to install and can be easily added to the vehicle with a few screws to your car. It can alsodistance will no longer be found, if you sell your car.

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Friday, November 27, 2009

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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Beth McDonough News Reporter Gets 2nd DWI Arrest

Many people know Beth McDonough as KMSP 9 Fox News reporter. Maybe you've seen them on television reports on crime, tough issues. She is a very strong, motivated and productive person who now has a few bugs. Beth has a degree in Communications with an emphasis in political science from Central Oklahoma. She won with a life threatening battle against cancer in 1995 and has traveled along the Great Wall of China.

Beth McDonough was also kind enough to donate someof the most respected aid agencies who know the The National Cancer Society, the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and several others, including charities. However, Beth McDonough was not their first but their second DWI arrest just before Halloween this year. She was released on 1200 $ bail right after Halloween. She was arrested in Minnetonka, Minnesota.

Beth McDonough first arrest was about 15 months ago, even for a DWI, for driving under the grandstandInfluence of intoxicants, which is usually medication. Part of her probation terms to run that Beth would not get into trouble. Now that she has, her fate is still in the air. Minnesota law enforcement in the area is planning charges against Beth, within a week or so file.

So what can people learn from this incident an average workday. We all know from the recent OJ Simpson trial, that no one is above the law. We also know that high level of other judicial proceedings. ThePattern that I see with this kind of high-level criminal cases is that people who have money and things just generally like to take things over the edge and really want to experience life to the fullest, without respect for the law .

But Beth McDonough is not alone. I imagine driving around in front of millions of U.S. citizens, either under the influence of drugs or alcohol caught each year, but only a very small proportion of these people. Hopefully, Beth will be a lesson from their 2 Arrest and learnoverly cautious. It is no secret that lawyers and doctors and professionals from all walks of life use of illegal drugs, but those who do not seem to catch those who get high or drunk in the privacy of your own home. We wish Beth all the best and hope she takes this failure to do better for themselves.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007 (2nd Edition)

This is a series of clips from Peter Schiff from 2006 and 2007. I added labels and 2008 forecasts for the first video. More videos on www.youtube.com

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Monday, November 23, 2009

Dana Perino concedes that the Bush White House on MSNBC seems frozen from the end

On Fox News, 10/19/09 ... Think Progress Fox News, MSNBC Dana Perino, George Bush

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Running Your Car On Water - Is it possible?

With gas prices rising faster than rain falling on the floor, we all know that the gas begins to burn a hole in your pocket.

However, there are at least some hope. Now you can water, energy converter in your car. This water conversion kits are the best energy devices are not the do cost a fortune.

They provide equipment to power from the battery of your car. This device converts water into hydrogen gas, 2 a.m. to 1 p.m. containing oxygen. ThisCombination, we will know something called HHO gas, also known as hydrogen-oxygen.

This gas is known to burn incredibly well, and also produces a lot of energy. At the end of his YES only water ... However, car magazines, and Fox News say that it has the effect of hydrogen, without persist over the H2O (water) element.

The value of the HHO gas is three times stronger than gasoline.

DID YOU KNOW that we share only 20% of the gas, we in our tanks!

Yeah, makes all the rest) in the pollution (unused gas.

If you want to increase your engines to improve performance, and your miles per gallon ratio, then HHO gas is the way to go.

This technology has been at least 90 years, but it has never been synthesized, as it is today.

What is the creator of the conversion kit / guide did was things much easier, by making these conversion kits affordable and very effective.

It is also 100% reversible, you can always install and uninstall thisDevice without reducing the value of your car.

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

Build Your Hydrogen Converter for Cars - How To Run your car with hydrogen?

Do you want to learn how to make your own hydrogen converter for your car can build and run your car with hydrogen? Almost every driver to save the world is on the lookout for new ways to power their cars and ways to up the consumption of gasoline. This is due to the rise in prices, causing the fuel to levels unaffordable for most people to achieve.

There are many ways that this can be done. Continually checking your car engine and tires can improve your car and help you save onsome gas, or you can use an alternative energy source like hydrogen.

1. To increase monitoring Your Car Gas Mileage

Checking your car tire pressure every month, the fuel consumption can be up to 4%. In addition, the review can filter your mileage by up to 10%. However, the best way would be still running your car with water.

2. Run your car with water

It is doing a new technology dissemination through the Internet, the conversion of waterinto energy for your car's engine. It has been proven to save many drivers up on fuel expenses and increase their gas mileage. This technology was broadcast over Fox News in a video report and creates a lot of interest among the public.

3. What are the advantages of the video report described?

In short, I personally have improved the fuel economy by up to 75% and improve the performance of my car. My car also burns fuel more cleanly now than less COEmissions are released from my car.

4. How to make your own hydrogen-on-demand system to build?

This system costs about $ 150 or less to build and install in your car. No part will be changed in your car. You need to buy a few parts and materials from the DIY store and then the system installed at home with a step by step instructions.

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Rape is rape

If a woman rapes a child is sexual activity with a person younger as the 16th If a man rapes a child is rape, sexual violence or harassment, even though the consensus-based action.

Recently, Laura L. Findley a former middle school band teacher was added during sex and) with 6 students (foxnews. Com. It entered into a plea agreement that called for a sentence of up to 7 years (The judge could sentenced to life imprisonment).

Where is the outcry? This monsterdeserves, as the horrible people that they are treated. If this were a teacher would catch her name are all over the news and not in a small box headline on foxnews. Com.

Where's CNN.com? The poor excuse for news that would be the beginning of history for the next two days, if a teacher from.

Our society seems to be a grown woman having sex with a child to accept, but is repulsed when a man does. If there is a man, do you think prosecutors wouldsettle for a sentence of seven years?

Of course not. This woman is a serial rapist by her own admission. They raped and 6 boys. She is a predator and should be punished accordingly.

I would also like to see the media report more on this story. We need America to see her photo and history everywhere possible.

This is not the first story of a woman to rape her young male students. In any case, the legal system and society seems to me sorry for these women and give them ridiculousLight sentences.

I hope the judge in this case, decency and sees this crime for what it is, they convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

We have a message to all adults who are taking advantage of susceptible children are not tolerated to be sent.

This woman was a teacher and in a position in which young people could look up to. Instead it teaches the value of music, she physically taught six students sex education.

Our nation needs a uniform law for bothMen and women when it comes to sexual abuse or statutory rape. Both men and women should be treated equally.

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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Resv Pure Resveratrol used to control the aging process

The fountain of youth ... explained since the sixteenth century explorer Juan Ponce de Leon for it was to mankind by the possibility that there is a chance to slow down the aging process fascinating. Today, people are looking to anti-aging supplements for the struggle against the hardships of the back of growing older, but how do you know what works and what does not?

You have to be careful, because anti-aging supplements can be very expensive, and because many of them have no guarantee that they also do what they say,they can do there is always the possibility you could be throwing your money away. And if you checked the prices on anti-aging products, you understand that many may be.

It is important that you set before you buy what others who have used the product is heard to say. Research is a necessity, and fortunately, it is out there waiting to find from you. With a product like Resv Pure, you do not have to look far.

Featured on 60 Minutes, Fox News Channel, CNN, Oprah,and Rachel Ray Show is Resv Pure earned its reputation as an anti-aging supplement works because it has the active ingredient resveratrol. Resveratrol is a substance found primarily in red wine, has been proven to prolong and enhance the lives of patients in the clinical testing. While most tests were conducted on laboratory mice, human experiments are underway.

What kind of results can we expect?

Well, if the tests in the laboratory are not available, we could live 30Percent longer than the average life expectancy. That is a huge difference! There are more than 80,000 people in the United States alone, are more than a hundred. The experiments show that the numbers are growing exponentially in the coming years and provide incentives for the baby boomer generation, or anyone who wants to look younger and feel better.

That's right. Resv Pure is not designed to easily change your appearance, but it's also a good time, you feel better to theinside. With omega-3 fatty acids that hard to get in the daily diet - substances with anti-oxidative effect in fish, nuts and certain oils - you can take responsibility for the metabolism, have more energy, more muscular build.

Fight nutritional and genetic diseases such as diabetes and Alzheimer's disease, respectively. You do not have a slave to your family health history. Resv with Pure, you get everything you need to stay ahead of the agingProcess.

And the best thing to hold these ingredients contain no known side effects to achieve that you received from them and try to reach your full potential. This is really encouraging, because, let's face it, our bodies are not the same, and therefore not always the same results. It helps to know that even if you do not get as much need of Resv Pure as someone else, you may no health risks to which it a try. Also you do not risk any money that is available as a free trial version available. Visit ourWebsite for more information or to get signed up today too.

Look younger. Feel better. Maybe the fountain of youth is not a place.

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Rare Gold Coins in return for shares - Five Clues Why Gold Coins are the better choice in late 2007

If you have eyes and the feeling of doing something with it, rare gold coins would beat stocks every time. They are charming, beautiful, a beautiful book to them and because they have been a long while to make an interesting piece of history.

But there are other reasons, for reasons good time to add more gold coins than stocks to your portfolio ... but now making a statement and how dangerous can come close to traditional equity investors blasphemy. Ignore the evidence available toown risk, though. For example ...

Clue # 1: Point-to-call options Higher gold. This analysis is by Prieur du Plessis and Adrian Douglas. In short, watching the two men who were in the December 2007 gold call option contracts, in fact, considerable, currently numbering around 122,000. What is more, greater than that of 2-1 sets.

On the basis of "positive gold surge," believe "and du Plessis and Douglas Gold is on the threshold of a high price to jump. It is not the first timeDouglas believed that in this way. In November 2005 he predicted a rise in the gold price of 460 $, the level at which a similar structure of call options on gold. Two months later, gold was $ 100 higher. More ...

Note # 2: Gold demand is still the way Higher, Gold Lower The offer is still the way. The situation here is worse only. Is according to a recent report by the World Gold Council, world gold demand is running 30% above a year ago, while the offer further south. The world's largest goldProducer, South Africa, proposed a 84-year low, despite rising prices of gold. And the world's leading gold producers witnessed nearly 20% reduction in production since 2001.

Needless to say, a higher demand and lower supply leads to higher prices.

Clue # 3: "Triple Threat" from the housing dilemma. Harvard economist Martin Feldstein warned that we are a triple threat from the housing downturn in the face. According to Bloomberg is the 2nd September reporting his speech, Jackson Hole,"Feldstein outlined a `` triple Threat''aus housing: a" sharp decline "in home prices and construction, higher funding costs and a" freeze "in credit markets, stemming from the subprime mortgage market losses and fewer home equity loans and mortgage refinance, leading to less consumption.

The overall impression is, needless to say, are afraid of consequences. "The economy could suffer a serious downturn," he added. More reason to diversify into the shiningStuff.

Clue # 4: America's Going The Way Of The Roman Empire-Comptroller General David Walker. Yikes. You know you're in trouble when the man responsible for the accountability of the government finds "striking similarities" between the U.S. and the Roman Empire. The end of the Roman Empire. Among his comments is that the United States suffer from "declining moral values and political civility at home, an over-confident and over-extended military in foreign lands and fiscal irresponsibility by thecentral government. "He is so serious that he refused even to sign off on" the government's books. "Yikes again.

How has gold and shares? Coming high-profile members of our own government as right and warn us of the coming "economic tsunami", it is time to seek refuge in gold.

Clue # 5: Inflation, inflation and more inflation. Despite all the statistics of the government in the world, we all know that inflation is running and out. We know that eachTime that we fill our tanks. And somewhere at the back of our minds we know that rising energy prices must be bad for business to all and anyone who sells something concerns. The intuition is not surprising, rooted in fact. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, "nine of the ten post-World-War-II recessions were preceded by sharply rising oil prices."

With the Fed's rush to move a recession by lowering interest rates, we also know, somewhere in our psyche thatDollar will only be weakened even further, perhaps as dangerous, from the current historical weaknesses with each of these sections. And the bottom line of all this change is inflation. We will need more dollars to buy what used yesterday to buy dollars.

You have undoubtedly heard the saying: "In the year 1911 could buy one ounces of gold at a very nice color. Today, it still can." That is to say by way of that gold keeps inflation to date. This happened in 1911. It is not even now, almost aA hundred years later. This makes gold the weapon of choice for fighting inflation.

But why stay on the defensive, with gold?

In 1995, a Penn State economist, Dr. Raymond Lombra, a study he presented to Congress. This 40-page report proof "that" rare coins, including rare coins, have been among the top performing plants in the past 25 years (and that the stocks included). He also reported that "rare coins, gold bullion as a diversifying asset dominate."This "numismatic coins do," which to reduce the volatility and simultaneously recorded higher profits.

Lombra recent study in 2003 found much the same situation there, from 1979 to 2003, coins, like rare gold, earned the highest average annual return and hedge struck gold bullion as an investment and inflation.

But whether you prefer a more aggressive position with rare gold coins about stocks or just a proven financial expert Harbor, is the wrong time is the right solution for gold. Andthat may be an understatement.

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Now is when the BBC is perhaps the most unbiased source of information viewed on the Internet. They include everything from entertainment gossip to modern politics. They also offer Internet streaming of its radio and news so if you're too tired to read it to see / hear.

The BBC offers an RSS feed with Firefox so that you the latest news without checking their homepage. I find it useful to see what's going on in the world, because it is difficult toGet on the television, what you want with the family in the house. I do not know exactly follow politics much, but I usually have an opinion on most things. Normally, I just go to the sport or technology field, as with most news, nothing important happens in the rule. When was the last time heard the bird flu in the mainstream news?

More information about the site then ... On the left side you have a small picture of the world divided into different sections. Click on any of these areas to go to a special page forthat part of the world. There you will find relevant news to this region ranges from news to sports and everything that might keep them newsworthy. They provide pictures and some video of the event, which can be quite cool to watch. As one of the temporary dam at the Three Gorges Dam in China blew up.

This kind of brings me to my next point. The BBC has a separate page for each country on this planet here. Since we are not talking about China, let's say there's theiranyway. And voila. Well, as you can see, they enter the country national anthem, a timeline of their history, some related links, features ... Basically, most things you need, when you could only do some basic research on a country.

All in all a very good place. Nice layout, read simple texts to load quickly. I do not think I can say anything bad about them. Definitely a good source of information and much more reliable than Fox News:-p

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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Best of YouTube: Charlize Theron gets sweaty, big Fox News' reporting, "a 56-year-old virgin, refused baseball, Star Wars stormtroopers, Glenn Beck and Jon Stewart nailed something to do with chickens ... Charlize Theron FOX News Baseball Star Wars Stormtrooper Jon Stewart Daily Show with Glenn Beck chicken digg crazy funny hilarious role best videos from YouTube weeks

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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nas - Sly Fox (Fox News Diss) Brand New 6-27-08

Nas - Sly Fox (Fox News Diss) Brand New .. Nas goes in on the racist right wing new station.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

America bankrupted U.S. dollars amusing unrest abandoned

America bankrupted U.S. dollars worthless social unrest ... Max Keizer U.S. Dollar collapse of the financial crisis, economic Baill Ron Paul Fox News Alex Jones Nader Baldwin McKinney


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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Monday, November 9, 2009

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Are troops in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect always the best way possible?


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Sunday, November 8, 2009

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Saturday, November 7, 2009

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Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez "attacks" [The Word Not Mine] FOX News after the UN speech - 09/24/09


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Friday, November 6, 2009

Public Birth Records

Public birth records are kept by the government of any state in the United States. A birth certificate or birth sounds of a person birth date. Normally these records are the details of the birth certificates are based in hospitals. These records are also a source of historical and demographic information.

Currently, birth certificates with the local registrar in the province, where the birth took place, and they shall have been filed electronically. Birth records can be activated onlydesignated by the individual person at the birth record) (Registrant, the parents of the registrant, the child of the registrant, legal guardian of the registrant, a legal representative of the registrant or an heir of the registrant. Today, we can obtain copies of birth certificates via the Internet.

The birth record is the best proof of age of a person. Birth records can by contacting the county or city health department in the city or the country in which you were born, are obtained. Not onlyBirth certificates are private, they are also useful in the identification and designation of the parents of the individual. Birth certificates can be used to obtain passports and also the driving license. The websites use certain protocols for the security of personal data.

The certified copy of birth certificate is provided by the Vital Records Office is available. This copy printed on security paper, the state registrar's raised seal and signature. Birth records can be used to obtaina state issued driver's license or identification, a passport, insurance benefits, or to travel to some other countries. An uncertified copy of birth certificate is available to anyone who applies. Although this record contains the same information as the original, it is not acceptable for legal purposes. The cost of a birth record ranges from $ 24.95 to $ 75.00.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Addressing Moral Decline of American Politics - Nu Leadership Series

"In the past, have been a leader boss. The present state and government partners with their people ... they can no longer run solely on positional power."
Ken Blanchard

Anyone who has moved to Washington to account? Since the Foley scandal widened from the control, took leaders covered. Former Representative Mark Foley Congress escaped punishment by his resignation in the midst of the scandal. Proclaimed Dennis Hastert Speaker of the House that he did not do anything wrong, butHastert publicly stated that he takes full responsibility. Many in Congress worried about political consequences. Internal surveys have shown to suffer that House Republicans could lose a massive, if not Hastert to resign. The results were much worse.

On election day, which led to a massive voter revolt against the incumbent. The result was one of the largest convention shift since 1994. Exit polls showed that voters were more concerned about ethics than any other topic. Four Republicans resignedout of the house this year because of ethical questions. Currently, U.S. politicians suffer from credibility problems. A USA Today / Gallup poll of 1009 adults found that only 15 percent of the population were U.S. senators high or very high marks for honesty and ethical standards. The U.S. representatives have no better at 14 percent.

As each party tries to either the advantage of a "hot-button take" issue or carry out damage control, growing more and more supporters cynical GovernmentLeadership. Both parties expect that every Congressman to follow the line of the party. Sometimes this blind obedience leads to go against his principles. Obviously, this is done with transactional relationships with peers. On the other hand, the ethics guru Cuilla makes that true leadership is not coercion. She argues that the ethic at the heart of good governance.

When judging these statements, the question of how a good leader can blindly follow a group or party? What is the Rate of transfer a core values? A true leader is committed to his principles even if they are forced to go against his social network. Therefore, the politicians have to encourage more value-based leadership.


Ciulla, JB (1998). Ethics: The Heart of Leadership. Westport, CT: Praeger.

FoxNews. COM (2006). Hastert sys he did nothing wrong Foley page scandal. Received: April 13 October 2006, from http://www.> Foxnews .com/story/0, 2933,217943,00. html.

Koch, W. (12 December 2006). Poll: Washington scandals saps the confidence of the public. USA Today.

Margasak, L. (October 8, 2006). One thing is sure that in Foley investigation. The Associated Press.

© 2006 by Daryl D. Green

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Welcome to the "$1,000 Gold" Fan Club

The $ 1,000 gold fan club? Absolutely. And as far as fan clubs go, this is a membership swelling daily. There is no question that the number of analysts, the increase in gold $ 1,000 mark suddenly as often as Tom Brady touchdown passes to see. But whether these people are newcomers to the gold-train ride along, or were confident after year, it is remarkable how many analysts now see nothing but good for gold.

Here, for example, what a couple of $ 1,000Gold forecasters have to say ...

• The Falling Dow / Gold Ratio. The Dow / Gold ratio - the number of ounces it takes for a part of the Dow Jones Industrial Index declined to buy - from 42 in 2000 to almost 19 in 2007. "What's interesting," said analyst Marc Farber, "is that despite the recovery of the stock market since October 2002, the Dow / gold ratio declined further. Just for the holder of gold from the pot - the world's only honest currency because it can not be printed by someDishonest central banker - the Dow, even though they put more value in dollars, in gold terms has continued with the result that today "only" takes 20 ounces of gold to fall to buy a Dow Jones Industrial Average.

"Simply put, since 2000 gold at a much faster rate than the Dow Jones rose, and I would expect this outperformance continue for the next few years to" gold standard "holder in a position to a Dow Jones with just buying a ounce of gold.

"Well, youmight think I'm crazy (but) I am convinced that the Fed's monetary policy exponentially expanding wealth inequality and impoverishment of the majority of U.S. households, which will then lead to social unrest and protectionism, which will go to war, and the breakdown of the capitalist system.
"However, if you think that was in 1932 and 1980, it is indeed a buy Dow Jones Industrial Average, with only one ounce of gold, then maybe my views are rather conservative. Perhaps we shallto be able to buy, sometime in the future, one Dow Jones with just half an ounce of gold! "

In this sense, we could think Farber's in store for much more than $ 1,000 gold.

• In the year 1980 U.S. dollars is gold only at half price. John Hathaway, manager of Tocqueville Asset Management, believes $ 1,000 gold is not far off. "I do not think that taking it too. We must not forget, the year is $ 1980, gold is less than half the nominal price today.

"The differences between theAmount of paper that has been created since 1980, and the amount of gold that has been produced so far, is simply enormous. The ratio of financial assets to physical gold is at the lower end of the historical range. If you all the gold on the market to highlight that has ever been produced, which is a very conservative approach, and then take the valuation of all global equity markets and global bond markets, gold is all about 3%, compared with a figure in the middle of the 20 % range in 1980, thewas the beginning of the bull market in gold and the beginning of the bull market in financial assets.

"Gold is a good value, of course, at these prices, only on the basis of the considerations we have discussed. Even if you do not think worst-case results are in the cards, gold is still rare and hard to see to believe and I find these companies the hardest time trying to maintain production, let alone build for them. "

• Central Banks Abandon Control of Gold. Two Citigroup metalsAnalysts said that central banks the choice between a global recession and further "control" of gold.

The choice fell to ward off global recession concentrate.

"We believe that the policy resolution to expand the credit crisis in the form of a massive do 'expansive of salvation?" Take in a new cycle of global credit crisis and the creation of competitive devaluation of the currency, the gold was up to $ 1000 / oz or higher. "

• Slashing interest rates will only add fuel to theFire. Analyst John Ing believes $ 1,000 gold is just on the horizon. His reasoning? Bankers are by bullets when it comes to settling U.S. debt battles.

"Ironically, while it is a crisis of confidence in the credit markets, the world's abundance of liquidity due to the huge current account surpluses of China and other Asian countries and the Middle East," Ing said, "The problem is not the supply of surplus but the imbalance between short-and long-term,Term obligations of the largest debtor in the world and the United States. "

"As long as there is a lack of confidence in the short term, central banks were not with the dilemma of how to supply liquidity. Today, central banks continue to increase the money supply but the monetary aggregates were already growing double digits and they had little room for maneuver. What is likely, then a dramatic reduction in interest rates, which will be a short-term palliative. But that is notCorrection of imbalances. The central banks have tried to stabilize the global financial system by pumping huge amounts of liquidity into the markets. So far they have only treated the symptoms of the underlying crisis. The situation is even worse. "

• "Gold is the Purist Play against the dollar." As the former head of technical research at Citigroup does not predict gold heading to $ 1000, but up to $ 3000, it makes sense to pay much attention.

"Gold is the purestGame against the dollar, "said Louise Yamada, managing director of Yamada Technical Research Advisors. She predicted gold would surpass $ 730 on the way to up to $ 3000 within a decade.

• "still cheap compared to oil or base metals." Fat Prophets Australia's newsletter is another prominent member of the $ 1,000 gold fan club.

"We think the price could reach $ 850 per ounce by the end of the year, due to problems in the U.S. housing market," says senior equities analyst Greg Canavan."U.S. real estate was an accident waiting to happen. We have also forecast a possible price of $ 1000, and we would expect that in the first half of 2008.

"In the U.S. we expect further cuts in interest rates is. In Europe, the euro is stronger, with an impact on exports. It could lead to a slowdown there," he went on to say. "In Europe, the Bank of England said it would not be bailing out the lenders. But now it's been said that it has to do with it. Investors will recognize thatGold is a basic store of wealth. "

Canavan added: "They should be 10 percent of your portfolio in gold or gold stocks have. Furthermore, it is now significantly undervalued, it is more than just insurance. Although more than 20-year high, it is still cheap compared to oil and base metals. "

• World currencies are increasingly questioned. "James Turk in his Free Market Gold & Money Report thinks $ 1500 gold is possible.

"A blow-off leg in gold-seekingincreasingly likely, as soon as they approved $ 1000. Think about this for a moment. The dollar is now trading at record lows, with no bottom in sight. Commodity prices are soaring, with wheat at over $ 9 per bushel and crude oil looking increasingly supported well over $ 80 per barrel. Gold is rising against all currencies in the world, pointing out that Fiat national currencies supported by nothing more than promises of over-indebted governments increasingly questioned. Britain is experiencing the worldbiggest bank run since the 1930s. ... Let us mentally for the possibility that gold will be prepared for more than $ 1000 over the next few months, and then just keeps climbing up to a blow-off.

"How high?" A doubling of the price of gold has been in the blow-offs like this has happened, that I am describing, so $ 1,500 or more is not in question. "

So ... where are you with your investment? They rely on the overly worrisome, "paper" investments at a time when more and more people wantkeep something of real value in their hands? If that's the case - and even if you have never joined a fan club all your life - perhaps now is the perfect time to become a member of the $ 1,000 gold fan club.

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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Soul Winning and Evangelism Training - Effective Outreach to Seek and Save Lost Souls, Church Growth

Equip and empower your church to seek and to save that which was lost. Experience unprecedented church growth, harvest of souls, and reviving now!

Jesus said, "I will make you men" (Mk 1:17).

Fishing is generally done in two ways: with a hook and a net.

I liken the approach to the net to go fishing nations around the world to search for and save what can be lost "(Luke 19.10). But the evangelist Philip was also adept at one-on-one evangelism. If the Spirit of God ledleave a strong upsurge full of masses of people to whom he preached in the city of Samaria, Philip was hit by God in Gaza City on the back of the desert to speak to an Ethiopian (Acts of great authority 8).

The divine call of God was staged beautifully decorated, because when Philip arrived and the Ethiopian was reading the prophet Isaiah from the Bible (cf. Acts 8:26-29). Philip once asked him: "You understand what you read?"(Verse 30)

Interestingly, Philip began evangelistic approach in the form of a question. Jesus was often different in his approach. The Lord asked his disciples Peter, "For the people who keep saying that I am? Who do you think me?" (Matthew 16:13,15).

Here are some good soul winning and evangelism to use questions that open the hearts of the route to salvation, when you talk to people on a daily basis.

- Have you discovered the grace of God?
- Did you ever feel burdened and weighedby sin?
- Did you ever feel guilt and shame, but do not know what to do?
- Do you know how to get reconciled to your heavenly Father and experience the blessing of heaven?
- Have the embrace of our love for God?
- Do you know the fullness of life available to you in Jesus Christ?
- Do you have the joy of life on the novelty?
- You know, the prince of peace, calm stress and strife in your life?
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I experienced the joy of winning souls and equipping the people of God throughout the world in their community impact. As Jesus said, "start to the depth for a great catch" (Lk 5:4).

If yourBoring life, it is not God's fault. Embark on the adventure to win the soul with God and experience the joy of winning souls!

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Monday, November 2, 2009

Michael Jackson ostatni wywiad FOX NEWS 1/5 PL

Michaela Jacksona Ostatni wywiad z 2005 roku, w czasie gdy przeprowadzony Michael walczyl w sadzie oskarzony Poraz drugi w zyciu o molestowanie nieletnich. Wywiad przeprowadzil znany dziennikarz kanálu FOX News Geraldo Riviera.


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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Glenn Beck -- Barack Obama, Net Neutrality & Van Jones -- FOX News

(10.20.09) - Part 4 of the show today.


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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Michael Scheuer Mentioned in Bin Laden Tape FOX News

Michael Scheuer in Bin Laden Tape on FOX News said. Michael Scheuer: "Who is marching, the drum of Al-Qaeda, it is certainly the Government of the United States." Confirms everything Ron Paul has said. TheSpinFactor.com Read more.


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Friday, October 30, 2009

Acai Berry Reviewed

It seems that every time a new supplement hits the market you can find out tons of imitators trying to mock that is exactly what they are doing. It's not a bad strategy. I mean, why change something that work is so good for someone else. In this article you will learn to read through three different forms of the new acai berry supplement made famous by Oprah.

The first real acai berry supplement is called Acai Berry 500th This is the brand that all the press about Fox News and Oprah, asthe expression of the number one superfood. The weight loss effects were noticed after only three days, and increases energy were huge about 20 minutes after consuming the capsule. These guys give a free trial with the largest portion size for each competitor.

Extreme Acai Berry was the first to come to the imitators on the market. It is definitely a good supplement and has many benefits that are valued our number one acai berry has. The biggest problem we saw in reviewing this productit took a bit longer, the weight loss effects kick in. took about 2 weeks, which was very much longer will complement our top. We also have not noticed that the energy of impact will be so clear. Other than that, this was definitely the best way to complete the second we have tried.

The final acai berry supplement we reviewed was the detoxification version. This first hit stores about a month ago, and is not really even acai berry at all. This is actually a vitamin supplement, composed ofmany other antioxidants, and only one of which acai berry. It is none of the weight loss effects, and perhaps a few more features to optimize the energy. This does not mean it's a bad supplement, because it is loaded with antioxidants, but the name of acai berry is very misleading.

Finally, the best acai berry supplement we reviewed was acai berry 500th Most other versions are not pure acai berry or do they just do not seem the same effects that acai berry has've 500th Acai Berry canvery costly for companies to harvest and process, so that when something great to hear that specific supplement, it is probably too good to be true! You can get a free trial of acai berry 500, by clicking on the link.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

How I Got Publicity for My Business on National TV and What I Learned Getting There

A while ago I decided it was time to get some advertisement on national TV to promote my book and ghostwriting services.

Shortly after setting this goal, I reached her on the Fox & Friends, the national morning show on Fox News Channel that reaches millions of people across the country!

Today I can handle almost more business than I, and the Fox appearance, has led five other TV appearances on shows across the country. Here's how it all happened, and what Ilearned in the process:

1. Relationships are the name of the media game.

When I got it my goal, on national television, I take the leap and went to the most expensive conference I have ever visited, The National Publicity Summit (www.freepublicity.com/nps07), where I personally met nearly 100 producers and journalists from major media like CNN, Fox News, The View, 48 hours, Live With Regis & Kelly, Oprah Magazine and Forbes. It's like speed dating with theCountry's top media. I have arranged a short personal meetings with individual and agreed in advance. No cold calls. No voice mail.

It was during one of these meetings at the National Publicity Summit, I spoke with the producer for Fox & Friends. I also have a great contact at Time magazine, with a former Oprah producer and producer of Live with Regis & Kelly.

I have kept in touch with all of them and most of them have helped me to one degree or another. In fact, without these relationships, Ihave probably never get on national television.

2. You need your own publicist.

I do not care if you are the best publicist or PR firm in the world - no one will do to better promote the work, than you simply because no one cares what you are, how much support have ceased like you. Plus, even if it is a journalist - and I am now with one, save me some time - will be able to get good angles themselves are essential to the best ofthem.

3. Try to link with the news.

Before we had our individual meetings with the producers and journalists at the summit, trained their staff, that I come with the kind of angles and ideas of the media loves. For example, I have learned one of the best strategies is to figure out how to tie it into what is happening in the news.

When I was invited to appear on Fox, it was up to the presidential candidates in terms of rate, how honest they have the use of a ghostwriter for herBiographies - because it was primary season were all the news channels on the lookout for an angle that has not already been used to discuss the election. If you have a story, a manufacturer is already in the process are interested, you can (and most are always on the lookout for new angles on stories that) is already in the news, you are more than 90% of the way there.

4. Milk your appearance for all worthwhile.

Now I can say that the Fox News Channel refers to me as a "ghostwriting guru." This is advertising youJust do not buy at any price. It was no more than a few days after my appearance, I began plastering all my promotional materials with the phrase. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, is the fact I was at Fox it much easier on other segments of the country shows.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

FOX News Interviews Drunk "Teabaggers" About Obama's Health Speech

FOX News Interviews Drunk "Teabaggers" About Health Obama's Speech - 09/09/09


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