Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mr. & Mrs. Potato Heads unnetted Are You? Time for your ears, eyes and mouth Get Plugged In

Are you a Potato Head, still waiting for you ears, eyes and mouth? Are you "unnetted?" They have no voice in the process of Glboalization and Free Trade in the flat world? Tune into ABC, CNN, MSNBC and FOX and they are in your eyes, ears and mouth for your plug. Liberals turn to the left and sing all the politically correct nonsense sentences they give you. Conservatives turn right and follow the man who says Jesus is his favorite philosopher, as he charges up a hill in bloodyPre-emptive wars from his safe place in Washington DC.

Everyone should read The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman of The New York Times. It is really about President Clinton and President Bush go hand in hand down the global economic road together.

Stay away from The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins book, Amy Goodman of Democracy Now Org and Seymour Hersh of the New Yorker. They will only confuse you. Do not read the many books on globalizationby Manuel Castells and The Trap by Sir James Goldsmith.

It may be time to curse the darkness, and not just light a small light. Token charitable purposes, where only one of thousands helping to conceal themselves deep economic wounds. The Free Enterprise System is to facilitate, for all to be good. Evidently, his mission has failed. We live off the suffering of the wage slaves of the world.

As the saying goes in the old movie Cool Hand Luke - what do we because it is the failure tocommunicate well connected in our global world, with instant text messages and all. It seems we talk, and more than ever, but it lacks anything to write about. Could it be the pursuit of perfection has been flushed down the toilet? Do we have called into question, because we say, perfection is just a word in the dictionary with a definition that can not be applied to humans. But the word is there, and it concerns us, how we live and breathe the boundaries of the institutions that are crumbling with every tick of the clock. AllWe all want to meet at a place to feel at the same time to find, but they may lose only rare moments in time, as we in the eternity.

In the workplace, we are told it is a good thing to try, our ultimate goal, what is right and what is wrong game, but we also said we must be realistic as we would in the real world. Pragmatism is the rule. Utility is their tool. In the Globalist Free Traders World, returns to the Bible, the phrase itself. He says to do, others fromthey do it for you. We see economic power politics marry perfecting greed. The homeless lay on downtown streets and are ignored. The sun beats down on them in the summer and the cold winds of winter, freeze them, but it does not matter, for their souls are burned or frozen already a society that flits by too busy with the real world of things. Quote the statistics they give you say, do not exist even the homeless and the underclass in our good economy. However,Things like Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans is a silent depression, residing in our country. Many say it is their fault, they ended up the way they did.

It is not just the workers on pay or without pay, suffer. Reported that 47 percent of all small businesses have maxed out their credit cards to people to keep their business afloat. They fall into a trap of usury interest rates above 18 percent and up to 34 percent as all those who use their credit lines back to theirof jobs lost, etc., there is no return after this happened.

They would have put ABC, NBC, CNN and Fox News. Finally, there are good men and Cavuto on Fox, which shows us things like the stock market is the soul of a good society, where everyone can turn paper into profits by doing the least among us, the "dirty" work. People like Thomas Friedman of The New York Times writes a book with the title of the flat world and speaks at Harvard. People like the president of the JesuitUniversity say amen and more workers are tied discarded in the world with the key. Bishops in Central and South America are martyrs because they speak and act for the underclass. One of the first saints canonized by Pope Benedict, Father Alberto Hurtado who spoke and acted for the underclass in the 1940s and 1950s. Today's populism is quickly coming upon us from South America.

People like John Perkins will not go forward, and write a different kind of book called The Confessionsof an Economic Hit Man, that really care about all the bad things going on in the global economic field and says, but he is from the major media channels silenced. The academic community ignores him.

President Bush says there are jobs in the U.S. that the Americans will not do. This happened after the United States more than 4,000 factories in Mexico. It is clear there are jobs in Mexico that Mexican workers will not take. Many of these companies are now moving to China, where there are willing to workfor less money. It is an endless stream of movement, because millions are competing for the same jobs. Free trade is about the shift of production from location on the cheapest labor markets of the world in space. The main raw materials are the people to set a world trading block to compete with each other to the level of wage slave and even child labor.

The facts of life include the following:

In 1774, 1 percent owned 15 percent of the assets. Until 1973, 1 percent owned 32.6 percentof wealth and until 1989 owned by 1 percent 40 percent of the assets. What is it today? (Looking for Silent Depression Economic Inequality for more details)

At the age of 65 years: 45 percent of dependent relatives. 30 percent are dependent on charity. 23 percent work more and only 2 percent are self-sustaining. A notice in our church bulletin reads - Success is the Social Security age to reach, without bankruptcy. We now know that approximately 38 percent, over the age of 45 filesBankruptcy of 1992 to 2002.

85 percent over 65 years not even $ 250.00

About 28 percent of all workers making less than $ 7.90 per hour

The lowest 20 percent bracket to pay state and local taxes on about twice as fast as the top 1 percent. 70 percent of all workers pay more in payroll taxes than income tax. A person who is only about 10,000 U.S. dollars a year pays about 12 percent of the total gross income in payroll, state and local taxes. That is more than one$ 1000 per year to just U.S. $ 10,000 in income.

About 70% of all workers earning less money in real dollars than comparable workers 20 years ago.

The poor will get poorer and the middle class is fading.

For more information see whether this would be a good economy, I hate to see a bad one at Tapsearch Com Tapart news. The facts were updated in 1998 and most of the data remains even today.

There was a time in Rome, where it was better to free a slave as a Man.The slaves had a roof over their heads and were allowed to marry, to raise more slaves. The Free-Man had to hide and only very few options make a living. The story seems to repeat itself now with a working poor class is growing in the U.S. and poor and wage-slave class is growing outside the U.S.. The World Bank and other lenders to cover victims of usurious interest rates.

A statistical prosperity be explained, although 39 percent of all over 45Bankruptcy has declared between 1992 and 2002. Finally, only about 38 percent of all workers in the United States to qualify for unemployment insurance, which is to point out is a large pool of workers missing in action from any kind of real reporting. It also demonstrates has produced the unemployment rate and it can certainly not be compared with an unemployment rate reported in the past.

Who says we have to compete as a global economic area?

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