Friday, November 20, 2009

Rape is rape

If a woman rapes a child is sexual activity with a person younger as the 16th If a man rapes a child is rape, sexual violence or harassment, even though the consensus-based action.

Recently, Laura L. Findley a former middle school band teacher was added during sex and) with 6 students (foxnews. Com. It entered into a plea agreement that called for a sentence of up to 7 years (The judge could sentenced to life imprisonment).

Where is the outcry? This monsterdeserves, as the horrible people that they are treated. If this were a teacher would catch her name are all over the news and not in a small box headline on foxnews. Com.

Where's The poor excuse for news that would be the beginning of history for the next two days, if a teacher from.

Our society seems to be a grown woman having sex with a child to accept, but is repulsed when a man does. If there is a man, do you think prosecutors wouldsettle for a sentence of seven years?

Of course not. This woman is a serial rapist by her own admission. They raped and 6 boys. She is a predator and should be punished accordingly.

I would also like to see the media report more on this story. We need America to see her photo and history everywhere possible.

This is not the first story of a woman to rape her young male students. In any case, the legal system and society seems to me sorry for these women and give them ridiculousLight sentences.

I hope the judge in this case, decency and sees this crime for what it is, they convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

We have a message to all adults who are taking advantage of susceptible children are not tolerated to be sent.

This woman was a teacher and in a position in which young people could look up to. Instead it teaches the value of music, she physically taught six students sex education.

Our nation needs a uniform law for bothMen and women when it comes to sexual abuse or statutory rape. Both men and women should be treated equally.

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