Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Relationship Advice - How to Deal with the challenge of the woman earns more money than the husband

A recent feature on Fox News told us about the growing tendency of young newly married couples to be for the woman to make more money than the husband.

My first thought was: "And how is this a problem, and for whom?"

Obviously it is a big problem for some.

Wisdom from Darren Stevens

Are you familiar with the old '60s TV sitcom Bewitched "with Elizabeth Montgomery? It is becoming now and then was on Nick at Nite and one fromFilm a few years ago.

If you are not familiar with the plot, here it is - Darren and Samantha Stevens are a typical 1960s couple, with Darren as the bread-winning architect husband and Samantha, the beautiful housewife. The only wrinkle is that Samantha seized this unique capability has wiggle her nose and make anything happen and / or appear out of thin air and Darren tried to her to stop bringing their skills and "normal."

Do you have the last line? Here is a man, a woman hasthat everything they always wanted, and he tried to stop her might!

Do not be a Darren Stevens!

Even as a little kid in the 60s I thought Darren Stevens was a complete idiot!

So my suggestion on how the situation when the woman makes more money than the man is easy to deal with it --

celebrate and enjoy it!

If you are a man and are caused by the fact that your wife makes more money than you overcome intimidated about it! Get your ownEgo out of the way and celebrate the gifts for your wife and your wife the gift.

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