Tuesday, December 15, 2009

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Living With My Aging Parents

When watching the talk shows to discuss the issue of aging parents, it is usually on hospital costs, doctor's appointments and juggling personal time that your parents can no longer fly, on parent-child role reversal. The one issue I hear about is never addressed in daily life, with aging parents and juggling all the different personalities in the country. Older people have very strong, self-willed mind of her own, but at least my parents.

For example, my husbandand I have a special sense of decoration, which we prefer. Micro fleece dark green sofas, large professor, such as chairs, a beautiful cherry wood dining table, and old paintings of the Renaissance, all very antique-like style.

Mom has a different taste altogether, and no father. Mom's attitude, depression, inspired, of course, is to use and reuse everything. She refuses to take towels, no matter how tenuous. She loves washcloths, even if they start in their own cornerthe shower, full of the funky smell of mildew. It is only with Dial soap, no one else. You only have a shower once a week (whether it is necessary or not) and dad uses his pocket knife to cut everything out of his nose hair, flower cuttings, and homemade bread I just baked. I always make sure the bread before I eat out, so Dad's ptomaine knife in the disk first blow, the contact with anything edible.

I realize my parents to communicate, I find myselfbite my tongue when Mama Papa is waiting for the hands and feet. He sits on his big caboose watched his Fox News Channel show, is doing his puzzles, read the newspaper, and pontificating on everything wrong (in the world if they would do it his way!). She has spoiled him, and she knows it. Now that they are retired, Mom tells me she wants she had not done anything for him. She complained to me about his impotence (eeewww!) Transfer much more information than I could ever want or need to know.To his luck, on the one hand, when he knocked out on a political role, she tells him to keep his face fluttering quietly. But on the other hand, this is usually so in front of our eight year old daughter. Boy, they need therapy one day ... If I do, I think, now.

I came home one day and discovered my mother had laid a floral pattern tablecloth on the table, along with contrasting orange stripes and brown placemats. At first I thought she was joking around, until I saw thechildlike joy in his eyes. She was so proud of their purchase of the JC Penny trendy Urban Collection. (Come to find out later that it was not the amount they wanted to ... She had chosen the wrong letter next to the picture in the catalog because they do not believe in prescription frames and I was too embarrassed to answer the call Penny's Call Center and you send it. "Besides," she said, "I have trouble understanding, she on the phone. I think they have a lot of Indians andPakistanis living in Chicago. ") I did not know how I was able to in the dining room every day and my beautiful cherry-wood table covered with a dress to go see Ugly Betty's.

My parents came to live with us about nine years ago. At the time, all of their grandchildren, young adults, and during their working years they are not as much time as would have liked to enjoy the ten grandchildren. After they retired, they were thrilled to learn that I was expecting a little bitSurprise. We invite you to come and live with us, and they did. Little Alex arrived, and my parents are mad at them for eight years.

Mom and Dad owned a flower shop and nursery for more than quarter of a century, and were disappointed that none of us children, or a grandson, a little care about the business. We all had our own dreams and goals, and other than hope for a small financial success on the road, none of our dreams of participating in something green. And thenAlex was born with a big green thumb, and soon her grandpa was the best bud, and she, his. When gardening, grandpa would also teach us some choice words that we speak rather not.

Grandma gives Alex all their empty bottles of perfume, is not entirely empty, just enough to spray on the rest of her stuffed animals. Alex's room smells like a space that, like we say, best suited for its red velvet curtains, purple and pink silk sheets, pillows Sultan. When Alex asks Grandpa, ifher plants are dead in her room, he waddles, and throws a glance. "They're good," he explains. "Pull out of it." So she continues to keep all the fifteen dead plants in her window seat, because Grandpa knows best.

My parents both have hearts of gold and would do anything for us, here is a perfect example. My husband and I enjoy taking care financially for my parents so that they can use their money for themselves. Once, when we were on a bank card magnetic strips, which are no longerWork, we have determined that we need to go to the bank and replace them. Papa is hard of hearing and thought we were, with money worries. He opened his wallet (I have never seen that many moths fly out from one place!) And creaked as the column leather wallet, he gave us five dollar bill. What a guy! (For fairness sake, he thinks, a liter of milk and two loaves of bread can be had for a dollar, and that two U.S. dollars a JD Rockefeller-sized tip on a $ 30 restaurant tab.)

Mother insists onproviding all meals. It is actually angry with me if I even try to wash a dish. My mother recently had cataract surgery and said she can see quite well, thank you very much, but when she washes and dries the dishes, you can read Braille, the stuck-on food she missed by mistake. She does not know that late at night after they went to bed, I wash the dishes again.

My parents have got slower, more relaxed, and even bought a brand new car, something they have neverDone together throughout their fifty nine years, although none of them drives. My husband and I had to hide his laughter when they wanted a new black car ... with spinning chrome hubcaps. My mother insisted. She did not know that it shows for young people and car, were determined. For her, she hit the high society, and "they are simply beautiful."

My siblings call from time to time to ask how everything goes. But they do not really know the truth. You wantto live their lives and talk with Mom and Dad, but do not want to hear about the doctor appointments and such. You know that I will be me for mom and dad. And it makes me not at all. My parents took care of me all my life and I'm sure I had a few quirks and still do not, but she loved me and supported me, who I was, and I'll do the same. I would not live anywhere.

I remember as a child watching The Lawrence Welk show with them every week. I still hearPolka music from her room. Actually, I can still hear.

Polka music is blaring from her bedroom. It is much too loud, but in contrast to our teenagers, their music to sound (I use the term loosely) on the grounds of the rebellion, in which case it does not hear because my father is good. I open the door to their greenhouse gas hot bedroom and my daughter to jump to Begin the Beguine on Grandma and Grandpa in bed when she an old Lawrence Welk re-watch them. Dad sits in his rocking chair,Dance with only his feet, gasping as Mom dances right along with only their arms and cute little fingers. "Mom, look, on television," said Alex shouts with as much joy as seventh-graders, the just caught a glimpse of Justin Timberlake. "It's a sissy-and-a Bobby! You are a dancer!"

I grab my father with his small, fragile arms and pull him towards me. "Shall We Dance?" He smiles and says: "I was hoping you'd ask me to open up Baby Girl. My dance card!" We also do a bit of turn andlaugh. And at that moment, nothing else matters. Not the cloth, not the crusty dishes that smells funny or amusing opinions. Nothing is, except that I'm dancing with the first man in this world, I was never, as his faithful and loving wife looks on, and while the little girl who currently stopped jumping on the big bed, and who will carry on his memory, making a remembrance of her own. This is what life is like life with my parents.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Get the Best Gas Mileage - Convert Your Car To Run On Water

Have you ever thought that gas prices are too high?

Have you ever dreamed of a magic formula that could help you to increase your gas mileage?

There is a way to get better gas mileage - perhaps it is not "magic", but it is a tried and tested way to do it. You can Convert your car to run on water, save some money and save the planet.

Scientists proved that our cars are not optimized engines to fuel consumption, as they should be. Only 20% of the gas from the engine actually uses theremaining 80% will cease to be wasted and pollution as unburned gas.

Imagine paying 5 times less per liter of gasoline! This would be possible if the 100% would burn gas. Nothing is certain for 100% and there is not no way to burn 100 percent of the gas. On the other hand, it is possible for the fuel consumption significantly, by increasing a few simple minor changes to your engine.

Turn your car run on water is a new system, the tap water to help you to increase theFuel consumption of your car, regardless of whether it is a compact 3-cylinder or a big 6, 8 or even 10-cylinder monster.

Recently featured on Fox News, all this new system allows you to use water as fuel.

A simple conversion can be done by you at your home, and almost without cost. The fuel consumption could increase up to 75%!

The new system not only saves gas, it also produces less air pollution makes the engine quieter and reduces the typical wear of the motor. Whenthe system of your car is taken off there is absolutely no longer be located.

Created by an experienced driver and vehicle involved in the payment of high gas prices has had enough, makes this simple and effective system to convert your car to run on water.

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Monday, December 7, 2009

Bennett tells FOX News the Senate Health Care Bill is beyond fixing

Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) told FOX News on Sunday that the Senate health care bill far too many mistakes that it will not be corrected simply contains. Bennett says Congress needs to focus on policy and not politics in an attempt to sixth in the U.S. economy reform.

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Policy and rhetoric - a strategy for negating criticism

I am fascinated by the struggle between the Fox News Channel and the Obama administration. But this article is not about politics, about the right or wrong, or even about how each side is the interpretation of the actions of others. I will leave political analysis to political experts. I am an expert in communication, so this article is about communication strategies.

Presidential adviser David Axelrod caught my attention Sunday when he said that Fox News should be treatedas a news organization. With this statement, he attacked the credibility of Fox with the Obama administration to criticize, and that makes me stop and think right. His words reminded me of a familiar rhetorical strategy: counter criticism with condescension. Where was I ever seen?

As communication specialists, especially in the area of written communication, I have to write a library for books. The answer, I knew it would, and it was. The writing guidelines bang! Writing with Impact Statesto emphasize this: "attack the credibility of your critics, the superiority of your ideas."

The three key words here are "attack", "credibility" and "critics". With this strategy, you claim that their critics do not have a valid source of information, so their ideas are not worth considering. This is, in fact, what David Axelrod said on Fox. According to Axelrod, Fox News is a news organization, so it does not make any criticism worth considering.

ThisStrategy has two effects. The most obvious consequence is that they can negate the effects of criticism. If I will be able to damage the credibility of my critics, then others probably think less of what they say about me. I Reduce the impact on my critics, by people who believe that my critics say do not know what they are. Bang! Writing with Impact has a good example.

The press corps is to say, we do not know how to handle corporate finance fond. They went into journalismSchool. We have advanced degrees in financial management. You are not in a position to tell us how companies deal with finances.

The second effect is more subtle, but perhaps more. This strategy allows the person who criticizes the question of whether avoiding the critics right. When I apply this strategy, I change the topic from the original issue price of my actions () to) a new (your credibility.

Suppose you are the critic, and I am the person you criticize.If I use this strategy is that the argument is no longer on the accuracy of your criticism. It is no longer a question for which you criticize me. The argument now is whether or can not be believed.

If I am successful with this strategy, and change the subject, I no longer have to defend my actions. Instead, you now have to defend your credibility. By using this strategy, I have slipped past your criticism and put on the defense.

Attack on the credibilityTheir critics is a powerful communication strategy for counterattack. However, as so many rhetorical strategies, their strength is also its weakness. When seen what it is a rhetorical strategy to avoid or negate further criticism, it is easy to use against the person himself. Here is a simple example shows how to:
Critic: You have done something wrong.

Person criticized: You do not have the credibility to criticize me.

Critic: You try to avoid this problem byAttack on my credibility. We can discuss that at a later date. In the meantime, please discuss this issue and respond to the accusation that you are doing something wrong.

See what the critics at the end? The critic pointed out that the person is deliberately trying to avoid the problem. He revealed the strategy. The listener or reader will wonder why the person wanted to avoid criticism. Perhaps the critics are right, they think. The person who criticizes seems absurd thatthe moral authority of the critics and improve added value to its criticism.

If not, the critics can respond to the question of credibility, he can also keep it light, while critical of the person on the topic. For example, the critic might reply follows: "This is not a question of credibility, but my question here, what you have done. If you think that my accusation is wrong, tell me why." This approach is weaker than the previous one, since it allows the listeners / readers the opportunity toWhen in doubt, for the critic.

The last point that Bang makes writing with impact on this rhetorical strategy is good. "It could help you win an argument, but it will not win any friends. This strategy, however, also raises ethical considerations, so use it cautiously, if at all."

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