Saturday, October 31, 2009

Michael Scheuer Mentioned in Bin Laden Tape FOX News

Michael Scheuer in Bin Laden Tape on FOX News said. Michael Scheuer: "Who is marching, the drum of Al-Qaeda, it is certainly the Government of the United States." Confirms everything Ron Paul has said. Read more.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Acai Berry Reviewed

It seems that every time a new supplement hits the market you can find out tons of imitators trying to mock that is exactly what they are doing. It's not a bad strategy. I mean, why change something that work is so good for someone else. In this article you will learn to read through three different forms of the new acai berry supplement made famous by Oprah.

The first real acai berry supplement is called Acai Berry 500th This is the brand that all the press about Fox News and Oprah, asthe expression of the number one superfood. The weight loss effects were noticed after only three days, and increases energy were huge about 20 minutes after consuming the capsule. These guys give a free trial with the largest portion size for each competitor.

Extreme Acai Berry was the first to come to the imitators on the market. It is definitely a good supplement and has many benefits that are valued our number one acai berry has. The biggest problem we saw in reviewing this productit took a bit longer, the weight loss effects kick in. took about 2 weeks, which was very much longer will complement our top. We also have not noticed that the energy of impact will be so clear. Other than that, this was definitely the best way to complete the second we have tried.

The final acai berry supplement we reviewed was the detoxification version. This first hit stores about a month ago, and is not really even acai berry at all. This is actually a vitamin supplement, composed ofmany other antioxidants, and only one of which acai berry. It is none of the weight loss effects, and perhaps a few more features to optimize the energy. This does not mean it's a bad supplement, because it is loaded with antioxidants, but the name of acai berry is very misleading.

Finally, the best acai berry supplement we reviewed was acai berry 500th Most other versions are not pure acai berry or do they just do not seem the same effects that acai berry has've 500th Acai Berry canvery costly for companies to harvest and process, so that when something great to hear that specific supplement, it is probably too good to be true! You can get a free trial of acai berry 500, by clicking on the link.

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

How I Got Publicity for My Business on National TV and What I Learned Getting There

A while ago I decided it was time to get some advertisement on national TV to promote my book and ghostwriting services.

Shortly after setting this goal, I reached her on the Fox & Friends, the national morning show on Fox News Channel that reaches millions of people across the country!

Today I can handle almost more business than I, and the Fox appearance, has led five other TV appearances on shows across the country. Here's how it all happened, and what Ilearned in the process:

1. Relationships are the name of the media game.

When I got it my goal, on national television, I take the leap and went to the most expensive conference I have ever visited, The National Publicity Summit (, where I personally met nearly 100 producers and journalists from major media like CNN, Fox News, The View, 48 hours, Live With Regis & Kelly, Oprah Magazine and Forbes. It's like speed dating with theCountry's top media. I have arranged a short personal meetings with individual and agreed in advance. No cold calls. No voice mail.

It was during one of these meetings at the National Publicity Summit, I spoke with the producer for Fox & Friends. I also have a great contact at Time magazine, with a former Oprah producer and producer of Live with Regis & Kelly.

I have kept in touch with all of them and most of them have helped me to one degree or another. In fact, without these relationships, Ihave probably never get on national television.

2. You need your own publicist.

I do not care if you are the best publicist or PR firm in the world - no one will do to better promote the work, than you simply because no one cares what you are, how much support have ceased like you. Plus, even if it is a journalist - and I am now with one, save me some time - will be able to get good angles themselves are essential to the best ofthem.

3. Try to link with the news.

Before we had our individual meetings with the producers and journalists at the summit, trained their staff, that I come with the kind of angles and ideas of the media loves. For example, I have learned one of the best strategies is to figure out how to tie it into what is happening in the news.

When I was invited to appear on Fox, it was up to the presidential candidates in terms of rate, how honest they have the use of a ghostwriter for herBiographies - because it was primary season were all the news channels on the lookout for an angle that has not already been used to discuss the election. If you have a story, a manufacturer is already in the process are interested, you can (and most are always on the lookout for new angles on stories that) is already in the news, you are more than 90% of the way there.

4. Milk your appearance for all worthwhile.

Now I can say that the Fox News Channel refers to me as a "ghostwriting guru." This is advertising youJust do not buy at any price. It was no more than a few days after my appearance, I began plastering all my promotional materials with the phrase. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, is the fact I was at Fox it much easier on other segments of the country shows.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

FOX News Interviews Drunk "Teabaggers" About Obama's Health Speech

FOX News Interviews Drunk "Teabaggers" About Health Obama's Speech - 09/09/09

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homeless Vets Petition Delivery to O'Reilly on Countdown

(1/31/08) A group of homeless veterans visited the FOX News building in New York to provide 17,000 people signed a petition request that Bill O'Reilly apologize to homeless veterans. The story was the number 3 on Countdown ... FOX News Bill O'Reilly countdown Olbermann homeless veterans Fitzgerald House U.S. Vets

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Monday, October 26, 2009

Rachel Maddow : Why Fox News isn't news

23. October: Rachel Re: Rachel Maddow points out what is largely overlooked in the debate over the White House feud with Fox News, which explains why Fox News.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Amish Wood Baby Cribs

Do you have any children? If you have one, you would see in any case, do the best for your children. They make it a point that they are comfortable and that their needs are well taken care of. How would you make sure you buy the best for them. Buy Amish wooden bed for your child turns him or her the best crib possible. These cribs are not only beautiful, they are durable, stylish and comfortable.

What is Amish? When you talk about a horse-drawn buggy, whichfirst thing that comes our mind is the Amish. This must give the names of the Amish, who is not Amish. These people live in Central Ohio, it is the home of the world's largest Amish community. Here you'll find the original Amish wood baby beds, will receive the one of their best works of art and furniture can be found. Although most of the Amish the comfort of modernity of the 21st Avoid century, we can see that they are satisfied with their way of life but still the best furnitureAmish wood products such as baby cribs.

To get most of the finest furniture builders from Ohio and Indiana, which is where you can find a lot of Amish craftsmen. Thousands of buyers of furniture have given their trust in Amish over the years. To be exact, when it comes to the appointment of mangers, skeptical mothers would prefer to purchase such products as long as they are assured of quality. A lot of orders were for Amish wood baby beds because of its proven durability. Not onlybut that you can even order them online. This has proven to be known.

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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Athletic Nutrition Compared to Steroids? The New Age of Athletic Nutrition

There is no doubt that proper nutrition and sports supplement is the key to the performance of a man. In fact, there are so many "miracle cures" out there that we tend to the needs exactly what our bodies and why they need to be overcome.

Well, there's a new kid on the block and you will not believe that the innovation that has occurred with the right nutrition sports. Have you heard of customized food specially for people, a DNA? No. Well, it is certainly a hugePlayer in the next generation of sports nutrition. In fact, the potential is so great for increased athletic ability, the Department of Defense partially funded the study because of the huge increase potential to be a soldier's performance and endurance on the battlefield.

Dr. Steven Garner Interview on Fox News reports on the impact of what can run genetic match for the world of sports nutrition and the possibility of preventing disease, manySpecies.

What was fascinating was Dr. Garner's comparison of the genetic right supplement to steroids. If the athletes are able to dietary supplements that are specially formulated in the right dose for them to reduce and compensate for genetic errors, the effects can be considerable, but without negative side effects.

At 3 minute interview Dr. Garner's shown here:

What they have found is any person who can actuallyrequire different concentrations of certain vitamin supplements for a specific genetic defects. Scientists have more than 600 enzymes in the body, encoded by our DNA that have affected our health and metabolic functions that are discovered. Be caused with the use of certain vitamins in certain concentrations, many of these deficiencies by genetic errors can be minimized, and in some cases even eliminated. For example, many athletes are concerned with their stamina and strength. There areactual genetic SNPs that have been identified, when mutated negative impact on an athlete can have. ) With the use of proper vitamin supplementation (right ingredients at a high dose for this deficiency, this condition can be solved.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

The HHO Gas Car Kit Conversion For Browns Gas - The Must Have Technology For the Present

The gas prices are more and more. There is little evidence to come at all. We decided in the critical point where we are on some strategy to defend ourselves against the rising fuel costs. Petrol consumption is one thing we can as an aspect of the offer can see some room for savings. Only about 20% of the fuel i by this engine and this is certainly a burden.

The YouTube channel to send a report recently, and it was this American who demonstratedthe use of HHO gas car kit conversion for Brown's gas. He had used his invention to dramatically increase the fuel capacity of his vehicle. We also have many reports similar to this world and the technology becomes more popular every day. Other drivers have this new HHO gas car kit conversion for Brown's Gas took over and reached up to 40 to 60% increase in gas mileage. In this technique, the water is subjected to electrolysis, and this produces the HHO gas or gas-Braun, who thenburned together with gas, gives the good efficient combustion.

The advantages of using the HHO gas car kit conversion for Brown's gas, are varied:

1. The life of the engine is improved, because the accumulation of carbon contamination can be avoided if we use this water fuel cell technology.

2. It reduces emissions and pollution is reduced and the fuel is still not unnecessarily wasted.

3. There are savings of thousands of dollars, you can out of this technology peryear.

You just spend less than $100 out of your pocket and you can build your own HHO gas car kit conversion for browns gas. The kit is just like plug and play devices, you can install them within minutes and can remove them untraceably within five minutes. Cheap and effective solutions like this are to be grabbed asap!

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama Meets O'Reilly: No One Dies!

that Obama was closer to Fox, after an air-clearing meeting with Rupert Murdoch and Fox News chief Roger Ailes. And it's about time. For God's sake, if you think it is in America's interest to talk to the international opponents, you should be able to deal with a man whose TV show you do not like. The Democratic argument against the "legitimacy" by Fox News appearance was as ridiculous as McCain's and Palin Snub softball king's residence in the accession countries protect ...

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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Derrion Albert News Media Circus

FOX News - CNN - CNN HLN, all three channels to conduct interviews and show raw footage filmed by the end of the 16-year-old Chicago student looking for some kind of solution to the question - "What causes this kind of violence and how it can be suppressed ? ... "Derrion Albert" killed "Glen Beck", "Fox News" Wall Street "," Charles Payne, "Jesse Jackson" Pastor Stephen Broden "

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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fox News Kills Monsanto Milk Story

Investigative news report on cancer-causing additives, milk by Monsanto is shut down by Fox News executives.

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Fox News "Fair & Balanced", Really?

Check out the 3 boxes on the right side of the screen. Fox News says Obama has a "suspicion of murder." Murder, leaving the economy! Pretty funny .... there may be a vacancy on Fox for a master control operator ...

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Watch Live Cricket for Free

Cricket is a sport played in many countries around the world. It is very famous in Germany, Britain, Australia, South Africa, Pakistan and many other countries. Many cricket series are in the world are played in the year. If you are a cricket fan like me, you have to sit in front of your television set during the day to the so-called gentlemen's game to see! But always, it is not possible for you to watch cricket on your home TV. After some time you can be from home, you can in aBusiness if you do not have a television or simply because not all channels broadcasting cricket matches, etc. Whatever can not be the reason cricket fan would never miss something like a match just because he does not have a TV or unavailability of channels, etc..

Now, there are many satellite TV channels directly broadcasting games on your laptop or PC. However, you may need to register in the pages by paying a certain amount. But lately there are many opportunities to see live streaming ofCricket games completely free on your PC without paying a single cent. You can also people like me who is on a business trip where there is no cricket channels on television. Allow me the following free options to see live streaming of cricket. I hope it can help some of you!

Developed 1 - SopCast: This is a peer-to-peer (P2P) software applications to distribute video streams in real time on a P2P network, the distributed video streams are generally of TV Channelsaround the world, but also from other sources. With this application you can watch live streaming of cricket matches. There are many people around the world, the broadcast stream live cricket matches on SopCast. Before you have SopCast download the application and installed on your system. In the channel list of SopCast, you can find many channels live streaming cricket games. It is completely free. With this application you will find mainly Asian TVChannels. To know more about SopCast application, how to install and use procedures, please visit their website.

2 - TVUPlayer: This is a peer-to-peer (P2P) software application, like the earlier ones, where you can many of these sports live streaming channels available. Also in this case, you must install the application on your local PC. Again, you will find a list of live channels, including the North American stations including CBS, Spike TV to get, and Fox News. Apart from sports, which onecan see many more channels like movies, are private channels, etc. to know more about TVUPlayer please visit the homepage.

Written 3 - TVants: This is a peer-to-peer (P2P) software application and developed by Zhejiang University. This is also becoming more popular now a day. Perhaps there will be live streaming of Cricket matches, such as the currently played IPL cricket series in India here. For details, please visit their website.

There may be more opportunities to listen to your favorite --Cricket online for free. I usually use the above applications for live streaming of cricket. Now a day I'm watching the Indian Premier League cricket series with these applications. I hope they can help you!

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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Schulz on the Street: Kissing Banderas

Behind the scenes: The man who plays the man on the phone is actually Bill's brother. Watch Red Eye w / Greg Gutfeld every Nacht@2.00 Clock ET, 11:00 pm PT on Fox News Channel. ... Fox News Red Eye Greg Gutfeld Andrew Levy Bill Schulz RedEye FoxNews FNC

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pet Safefy Lights

Is your pet's world truly safe? Pet Safety Lights are designed for all pets with owners who care.

Responsible pet owners and care are required, the additional protection for their animals during the evening and night-walks will appreciate it. The PET Blinkie allows the holder and any other means drivers, etc. - to identify your pet from a distance, so additional security stopping and swerving time. Many pets are accidentally injured and killed by cars, bikes, skateboardsand bicycles. Now you can minimize or prevent this with the new Pet Blinke Illuminated Dog Collars.

If you love your pets, you will love the Pet Blinkie. Pet Blinkie is vibrant, multi-color lights, the simple value to a collar, leash or harness. Pet Blinkie is waterproof and visible distance up to 1 / 2 miles. Available in seven flashes, vivid colors.

Responsible pet owners and care are required to estimate the additional protection for their animals during the evening walks, and provided toNight running. The smallest, lightest and brightest flasher we've tested. It uses LEDs rather than bulbs to flash various colors. The stainless-Pet Blinker is only 2.25 cm long and about 1 / 2 inches wide. Waterproof and visible up to 1 / 2 miles away. The Pet Blinke will determine the matter for you to take. This is a very wild and powerful light! Clock runs on three included batteries, which can be replaced. Turn the lens to turn it on andout.

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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

17 Year Old at Six Flags Georgia

No infringement intended Fox News Channel America's Newsroom Kelly's Court ... 17 Year Old decapitation Batman Ride Six Flags Georgia Fox News Channel America's Newsroom Kelly's Court

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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Higher Inflation - The Real Price Of Gold

A higher inflation? Count on it.

You've heard the saying: "You do not make 'em as before? Well, they are not loaded, as they previously did not. Nobody does. Try buying a loaf of bread for 50 ¢. Or a gallon of gas for $ 1.25. Nothing costs the same as in 1980. Nothing.

Except maybe gold.

This small anomaly has caused many analysts still too rigid in space. Not only gold will head higher still, for which they are set, you can from everywhere you look. And,really, this is an understatement. It is probably true to say that they are everywhere you look in its most extreme forms.

But as impressive as the gold was Taurus, the price remains in the days of disco and Jimmy Carter put

Getting even more rare gold

Has something happened to change the dynamics of gold in the last 27 years? There is a huge find gold? Some Valdez pipeline of precious metals, the gold as common as, well, oil? Uh uh. On theContrary, actually.

The production is not merely come to a halt, "it was rolling backwards. The South African gold industry, for which only a precious metals producer, looks like it is running from bullets. Back in 1970, 70 percent of its gold reserves in the world came from this country. With the 21th century, but SA production had shrunk to a mere 14.5 percent of world production.

South Africa is not alone. "After a peak in 2001 has prevented the world's gold production steadily slipping. One reason for theLack of new supply, it is to have been no major discoveries of gold in a time, times and certainly not on the scale in the 80s and 90s. For the few discoveries have been made, the necessary time to develop and extend their deposits extract from four to seven years, "wrote Bernard Baumohl, Time magazine senior business reporter.

Do not count decrease to higher gold prices, that four to seven years, delaying any time, either. Pierre Lassonde, president of Newmont Mining,the world's largest gold mining company, gave this remarkable quote: "When gold takes $ 1,000 per ounce, is four to seven years to open a mine."

This means that gold prices are still in this strange period 1979-1980, remained as Michael J. Fox in Back to the future.

Gold at an "inflation-adjusted" $ 2176

"In terms of today's dollars, gold reached $ 2176 in 1980."

The surprising observation by Larry Edelson of Weiss Research, and what he means here thatGold is undervalued, not only at $ 700 + price today, it's stealing a.

Edelson continues: "Even if it would reach only half of the inflation-adjusted price, then the yellow metal to increase to more than $ 1000 per ounce."

What would you steal from each investor's standard is still far too. Edelson's premise is that gold would have "more than tripled, just about the same purchasing power it was back 26 years ago!"

The funny thing is, is gold is the ultimate inflation barometer.The price should be honest and tell us, from generation to generation, as has become ridiculously inflated the dollar. So what happened? Which brings us to tell us the precious metal from the cold, hard truth? That's a good question. Whatever the answer, regardless of harm to the central banks to manipulate the precious metal will soon pave the way for the irrepressible pressure was building.

As Mount St. Helens in 1980 is back, gold will eventuallyready to blow up the air.

An avalanche of inflation on the way

Back in 1980, was the price of the average new car only $ 7609th According to Car and Driver magazine, the average cost is now something like $ 27,800. This is a 265 percent increase, nearly ten percent of the "real" inflation a year in the last 27 years, a statistic will reflect the prices of many consumer goods.

But you do not need an analyst to know that the real world, inflation has littleresemblance to the government's official annual rate of 3.5 percent.

All you have to be is an adult who spends money.

Even so, even as bad as it's been over those 27 years, it looks a whole lot scarier up ahead - especially with oil, the common denominator in our economy, staring at $100 a barrel. As it is, crude oil has quadrupled in about five years time...and some analysts are even pegging it at $150 a barrel by mid-08.

Only once before has a recession failed to follow a dramatic jump in the price of oil. And for some reason, as crazy as the current jump in oil prices remains, it is doubtful we are about to make a second exception to the rule.

You've heard the saying: "A rising tide lifts all boats"? Well, economically speaking, there is the rising oil prices all. And to the extent that the current rise in oil prices, expect that consumer prices, we come face to face with each passing day rise exponentially.

Why gold will eventuallySnap

Analyst Christopher Laird compares Gold with the saturation line of fracture. He said: "Gold has an elastic effect on the recapture of the value ... it wallow in the low to a snap effect occurs."

Good analogy. The earthquake, Snap is currently overdue at about quarter century. And if you think, now $ 700-ish price of gold is about as high as gold is received, you have already forgotten the middle part of this article. This is the part that says, has just returned to his triple gold1980 purchasing power - the kind of deep snap, that can finally make things right.

There is even a basis for predicting such a gold snap, and it goes roughly like this:

Four separate times from 1974 to 1980, you could have predicted that rising gold price, by itself, what did oil. It was a consequence of rising to it would be - first oil, then inflation, then interest, then gold. It was a very predictable freight train, and it was done four different timesmore than six years, which culminated in gold $ 850 in 1980.

Today, with gas well above $ 3.00 per gallon, the same freight train has already left the station. And just as with the 1974/1980 cycle, you can create a higher inflation will soon follow today peak oil, then put somewhere on the road, have higher interest rates, the higher will be gold.

And this time it was enough to actually hit by a frustration factor for gold in his honest-to-Gosh, real-time,"adjusted-for-inflation" price.

You'll probably want to be a gold owner before this higher inflation takes hold.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Tom Coburn Endorses John McCain For President

"What we need in our country is someone who has the courage and the will and the constancy in order to bear the status quo," said Coburn. Change talk, "We all hear, but there is only one person in the race in either party who has been change. My whole life over change. Whether it be for judges, whether it concerns the protection of innocent life whether it be the most important, even if it costs. "

Coburn further elaborated on this on FoxNews Today, said: "The realistic idea that John did not win in Michigan was not necessarily because he told them the truth, it was because there was a 15 percent turnout and Mitt Romney family from there. Thus one can argue the policy, but the fact is, Americans want fundamental leadership. "

"They want courageous moral leadership, they scream that for" Coburn, adding: "And John does, that is in many ways, what I think beyond and above the other, theare, have to offer to run. "

He promised to vote for McCain and said, "And I will stand with John McCain because I think he can bring to bear for some of the big problems we have whether it deficit spending, you know, our debt is one million U.S. dollars per minute, and now we are wasting 250 billion U.S. dollars per year in discretionary portion of the budget ... "

"Why is not anyone challenging that, and why we not want someone to go clean, that the electup, "he said." And then we will not talk about creating tax cuts, the deficit we have a surplus to give tax cuts and create more money for the American people will be taking, "he said.

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Majority Of Americans Not Accepting H1N1 Vaccine

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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Congressman Rogers on Fox News Discussing Attorney General Holder's Investigation of the CIA

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Margaret Hoover of Fox News Takes on Social Security

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Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Truth About Amsterdam, RE: Bill O'Reilly loves Amsterdam

and anarchy that I show the facts. Follow and share in the discussion on ... Amsterdam, Netherlands "truth about Amsterdam" cesspool of anarchy Facts Prostitutie corruptie beerput corruption Red Light District Cafeteria Holland crime drugs truth about sex O'Reilly "oreilly factor," "FOX News" news "soft drugs" Cannabis Americana United States American politics politiek factor versus "red light district "cafeteria" "truth," Amsterdam "death of liberalism, liberal point of view...

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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Roman Palanski...more like Rapeman PoRapeski.

Aclip at its best show on Cable News: Red Eye w / Greg Gutfeld. Adjust clock every night @ 3:00 EST, 12:00 Pacific Clock on Fox News Channel. Left http http Originally Aired: 9-30-09 ... Fox News Red Eye Greg Gutfeld Andy Andrew Levy Bill Schulz RedEye FoxNews FNC late-night comedy show Mary Walter Faith Salie Roman Polanski Rape Woody Allen

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mark Prindle's 11th Appearance on Fox News' "Red Eye"

From 5 October 2009. I hope you like it that's fine. It is not my funniest show ever, for two reasons: (1) I was very depressed for the past three days, and it is hard to believe, and funny comments when you are depressed, and (2) I actually had opinions about these questions and they wanted the state. I had planned to complain a lot more sarcastic, but the 5 minutes went by very quickly.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

Fox News Saves An Apparently Slow News

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Why TV? Does Traditional Media Still Matter - Part 4

Traditional media creates a comprehensive media and public relations helps position of the author, expert or your customer as an authority in their field who understands the issues they comment on, because it penetrates deep to cover about problems in our society. The expert is to be placed in the national conversation in a socially relevant way. Following are the benefits of TV for you:

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Potential customers or in a position to hire you as an advisor does not know you personally, but you know, Fox News, who know CNN, you know, Kiplinger, and hey, if you are good enough for the Associated Press, also you are good enough for them!

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Saturday, October 3, 2009

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